Our Congregation, Ministers
Rev. Brenda A.B. Shaw, Pastor
The pastor overseas the spiritual needs and ministries of the Church and provides leadership in vision for the Church and coordinates all pastoral care issues. The pastor motivates, equips, and nurtures the people of the Church through example, preaching and teaching God’s word, and spiritual counseling.
Linda Cook, Chairperson
The chairperson presides at all meetings of the Board of Directors. During recess of the Board, the chairperson has general charge and supervision of the management of the spiritual affairs of the Church, subject to the authority of the Church.
David Geveke, Communications Team Leader
The communications team leader keeps a record of all minutes of the Board meetings and oversees the Church’s website, Facebook page, etc.
Brian Klimek, Financial Team Leader
The financial team leader pays all bills and reports on the finances of the Church at each meeting.
Frank Kulp, Property Team Leader
The property team leader overseas the maintenance of the buildings and cemetery.
Dawn Rafalski and Rosie Richardson, Ministry to Members Co-Team Leaders
The ministry to members team leaders welcome visitors and encourage Church members through fellowship and hospitality. These include home communion, visitations and fellowship activities.
Sue Kulp, Outreach Team Leader
The outreach team leader coordinates the Food Bank, Memorial Day picnic, Christmas tree gifts and other activities that are most needed in the community at any given time.
Vacant, Discipleship Team Leader
The discipleship team leader coordinates Bible study, small groups, Sunday school, and VBS night.
Priscilla Mills, Worship Team Leader
The worship team leader coordinates church music, Sunday morning helpers (greeters, ushers, communion attendants, and elevator operators), and special Church services (Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc.).
Vacant, Music Director
The music director is responsible for the musical aspects of Church services and social functions.
Brigid Levi, Song Leader
The song leader sings hymns of praise with the congregation.