Our History
Joshua 1:9
"...be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened,
and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is
with you wherever you go."
Upland Baptist Church was founded in 1851 by John P. Crozer, a devout man, who felt called by God to build a place of worship in the Upland area. On October 9, 1852 Rev. John Duncan was called to be Upland Baptist’s first pastor of its original 20 members!
The Fire On February 1, 1955, a fire broke out in the chapel. Soon the entire building was engulfed in flames. It was a bitterly cold, windy night. Sparks flew from the chapel on to the church building. In spite of the firemen’s courageous efforts, before long the chapel was in ruins and the church building was severely damaged. The lovely stained glass windows were destroyed. But, through faith and determination, fourteen months after the fire, the church was once again ready for use.

The Cross Who could have imagined that a small boy’s desire to plant a garden would develop into a beautiful, stained glass cross that will hang in our sanctuary for years to come?
Fifty six years after the fire, while digging a garden in the church yard, Pastor Brenda and her own little boy uncovered many small pieces of stained glass from those windows that were destroyed so long ago. The pieces they found were combined with others recovered from the ashes by Mrs. Dorothy MacQueen. Nadia Bond is a gifted artist who works with stained glass. She was able to create out of these lifeless pieces of glass from a sad chapter in Upland’s history, the beautiful cross that hangs in our sanctuary today.
We have faith that it will stand as a testimony of the faith that continues to motive us to Love God! Love Others!